
How Take Care of your Wedding Dress before & after Wedding

Wedding Dresses usually cost thousands of dollars, so the bridesmaid should learn how to maintain and stock a wedding dress. I would be love to share some tips of how to take good care of your expensive wedding dress as you have spent a lot of time and money to get the perfect bridal gown. Whether you’re planning to hang onto it for posterity after the wedding, resell it or donate it to charity, taking care of your dress properly will ensure its beauty lasts a lifetime.

Before Wedding

Before wedding, you’ll want to take your dress out of the bag and let it breathe. Make sure there are no wrinkles and that it looks nice. If it is wrinkled, have it professionally steamed or hang it in the bathroom while you take a hot shower and let it steam for about 15 minutes.

After Wedding

After prom is over, you’ll want to look the dress over to check for stains and try to get them out as soon as possible. Stains are much harder to remove once they are set.

Here are some stain-removal tips:
Makeup can be removed with a warm compress and a light dab of color safe bleach.
Grass stains can be removed with alcohol.
Grease is best removed by washing with warm water, then blotting with a paper towel.
Sweat can be removed with a damp bar of soap followed by liquid detergent.

If you’re not up to removing stains yourself, have the dress professionally cleaned. Some cleaners can also preserve wedding dresses in special boxes to make sure your memories last for years to come.

